What's going on with Sublime Text? Is it dead?

7 points by xyzmaximum 18 hours ago

There are so many developers still using Sublime Text, but I'm really surprised by their lack of communication. Package Control’s been down for about a month, package updates have stopped, and we're seeing performance issues with LSP and a pretty mediocre sidebar. Sure, there are some dev updates, but in my opinion, nothing's significantly improved the user experience in years.

binarymax 18 hours ago

Is package control down? I just tried and successfully installed a package.

The last stable build was late January, and the cadence has been good. https://www.sublimetext.com/download

I haven't seen any issues with performance or in the sidebar.

I would like more official and baked-in support with language server, but I understand the decision to make those things packages.

  • xyzmaximum 17 hours ago

    What I meant was package control picking up updates. That part has been down for more than a month. As for the sidebar, what I meant was long overdue features such as drag and drop, simple file management, etc.

    • binarymax 14 hours ago

      Have you tried getting in touch with the team directly and asking for these things?

      • xyzmaximum 9 hours ago

        Yes. SHQ can't do much since package control is a community project.

dev_0 11 hours ago
